Thursday, November 29, 2018

1 Alarm Structure Fire - 9003 E Shea Blvd, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 - HonorHealth Scottsdale Shea Medical Center

1 Alarm structure fire reported at HonorHealth Scottsdale Shea Medical Center at 9003 block of East Shea Blvd in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Units responding, dispatched, staged or on scene include: E31 E603 E604 E605 E606 E607 E609 M-603 RM50 L602 L608 L611 BC6 BC271 BC601 BC602 CV30 DC603 NDC FI601 APS000 SCTP00 SCTP01 U29.

[Update: 7:29 AM MST] Scottsdale firefighters are working with hospital staff to minimize the effects of water damage after a sprinkler activation kept a small fire in the cafeteria from spreading early this am. The sprinkler allowed our initial truck to put the fire out. The hospital is open and there is no risk to any patients in the hospital. The Emergency room is open and accepting patients, according to Andy McDonald, Battalion Chief 602 A-Shift with the Scottsdale Fire Department.