Sunday, August 12, 2018

Indian Bend Wash Streamflow - August 12, 2018 - Indian School Rd

Water in Indian Bend Wash at Indian School Road is currently flowing at 84 CFS at 4:39 AM MST, according to USGS records.

0.00 inches of rain has fallen at IBW at Indian School in the last 24 hours.

Date Time feet cfs
08/12/2018 23:48:00 2.56 739
08/12/2018 23:34:00 2.68 820
08/12/2018 23:23:00 2.81 911
08/12/2018 23:11:00 2.93 1002
08/12/2018 23:01:00 3.06 1106
08/12/2018 22:47:00 3.18 1209
08/12/2018 22:36:00 3.31 1327
08/12/2018 22:21:00 3.43 1442
08/12/2018 21:11:00 3.56 1573
08/12/2018 20:55:00 3.43 1442
08/12/2018 20:45:00 3.31 1327
08/12/2018 20:38:00 3.18 1209
08/12/2018 20:35:00 3.06 1106
08/12/2018 20:33:00 2.93 1002
08/12/2018 20:31:00 2.81 911
08/12/2018 20:29:00 2.61 772
08/12/2018 20:28:00 2.49 695
08/12/2018 20:26:00 2.19 523
08/12/2018 20:24:00 1.91 388
08/12/2018 19:37:00 1.71 304
08/12/2018 19:03:00 1.84 357
08/12/2018 19:00:00 1.72 307
08/12/2018 18:58:00 1.44 210
08/12/2018 18:00:00 0.74 3
08/12/2018 12:00:00 0.74 3
08/12/2018 07:43:00 0.79 41
08/12/2018 06:00:00 0.91 76
08/12/2018 03:01:00 0.96 84
08/12/2018 00:00:00 1.09 113